Samsung and Apple crushes the competition-In the 2nd quarter of 2013, worldwide shipments of smartphones rose 52.3% to 237.9 million units. If the two giants of the sector, Apple and Samsung, see their sales increase over one year of respectively 20% and 43.9%, they did not lose market share less, sign of the intensification of competition on the market.
In the first quarter of 2013, 216.2 million smartphones have thus been delivered worldwide by manufacturers. Apple (17.3%) and Samsung (32.7%) two 50% of worldwide shipments of smartphones, with a net length in advance for Korean in terms of units: 70.7 million, against 37.4 for Apple - positioned on the value.
Samsung remains the leader in 2012- In 2012, 722.4 million smartphones were sold worldwide, 46 per cent more than in 2011. Samsung maintains its leading position with 215.8 million units sold in the year, become Apple that displays 135.9 million iPhones sold. Nokia, HTC and RIM Announce much more modest performance that the two leaders, with equivalent sales ranging between 32.5 million (RIM) and 35.1 million units sold (Nokia).
Rejected - Nokia In terms of market share, Nokia is definitively excluded from the top 4 in 2012, and Samsung maintains its leading position in all the quarters, with a maximum of 32.3% in the second quarter. Apple, which occupies the second position, declined over the first three quarters with a minimum to 14.6% in Q3. Sony still trolling with a market share of around 4,5%, elbow to elbow with Chinese competitors, ZTE and Huawei.
Samsung leader Nokia in constant - recoil In 2013, the global market for mobile phones continues to grow but at a pace moderate 4% in the first quarter and 6% in the second. This is significantly less than on the segment of smartphones which has grown 40% and 50% over the same period. On the global mobile market, Samsung maintains its domination gained at the expense of Finland's Nokia. The latter is in net decline since the beginning of the year with deliveries of mobiles in decline of 25.1% in the first quarter of 2013 and 27% in the second.
Samsung past leader - In 2012, 1.7 billion of mobile have been sold in the world, for a very light regression of 1.7% from 2011. Samsung past leader before Nokia with 384.6 million units sold in the year against 333,9 million for Nokia. Apple, well below, is in the third position because it focuses on a market premium with 130.1 million iPhones sold. Motorola and RIM, in a Pocket handkerchief, occupy the last two places with sales around 34 million units.
In terms of market share, Samsung is mechanically leader, capturing 22% of the market, followed closely by Nokia to 19.1 per cent. Apple by far is third place, up to 7.5%. RIM and Motorola are still trolling with equivalent market share (around 2%).
Between 2008 and 2012 there is an increase in sales of smartphones in France from 1 million units sold to 13.5 million, an increase of 1250%. However, this growth slows from 2011, since the market is growing by 18.4% between 2011 and 2012.
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