vendredi 21 juin 2013

Online videos: 10% of the traffic comes from mobile

Figures: This share has more than doubled in a year, according to Ooyala and the duration of the viewed videos continues to grow...

This isn't a surprise, consumption of online video is becoming more and more mobile. A boom that st of the generalization of smartphones and networks mobile broadband.

Thus a study of Ooyala spotted by our colleagues from FrenchWeb, 10% of online videos viewed worldwide in the first quarter were from a mobile terminal. This share was only 4% a year earlier.

Already more than 2 GB of video per subscriber, per month on some networks

Moreover, the users time tutoring is devoted to this activity. And watched videos are increasingly long, particularly since the shelves where 25% of views exceed one hour...

What tender yet slightly more mobile networks of the operators who are currently deploying 4G to digest this exponential. According to Ericsson, data traffic will grow the world multiplied by 12 by late 2018 due to the increasingly widespread use of online video.

Its progress should be in the order of 60% per year by late 2018. "On some networks, video consumption rises on average to 2.6 GB by subscription and by months.", points out the OEM.

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