Those who follow the news of mobility for a few years know: the NFC is presented as a technology breakdown for the past five or ten years... And yet, we see still nothing coming.
This standard, which should revolutionize the uses: purchases from a mobile, embedded transport ticket, information..., by simply passing its terminal near a terminal or compatible reader is far from being a reality.
However, everything was done to Prime the pump, particularly in France with various initiatives carried out to unify the chain of value between operators, utilities, banks, shopping. One can mention the launch several years ago already Citizy in several French cities (Caen, Nice, Strasbourg,...) and for its support of the State through future investments.
Of more and more mobile users equipped but too few applications
What is today? There is one side the very optimistic speech from the AFSCM, the French association of mobile contactless services delivering indicators illustrating a real rise. It puts forward 2.8 millions of devices compatible Cityzi outstanding (a park that has tripled over the last 8 months), 36 models of smartphones and a multiplication by 18 of the number of points of sale equipped dedicated readers.
Contactless Forum Services Mobile is more measured. "We are now at the time of operational take-off, it will still take some time but we are", says Jean-Michel Gadrat, president of the forum, at the University NFC of territories that took place this week in Strasbourg.
Because if the number of compatible terminals and mobile users equipped is indeed growing, uses them remains very embryonic. We were able to check it in Strasbourg, a city pioneer in NFC, Bas-Rhin is the most equipped French Department, 14% of traders are accept e.g. contactless payment.
In the Alsatian city, the first NFC experiments date from 2007 and have been amplified with the entry of the agglomeration in the Cityzi program in 2011. But it's only today ' today the NFC becomes a tangible reality for all residents.
The most natural service, one transport integrated into the smartphone titles has just been launched. A free Android application (Ugo) allowing to buy securities unit, subscriptions and especially to validate passing its (26 compatible models at 4 operators) terminal near a Terminal located on the Wharf (see photo). A project that required more than 10 million euros of investment.
Available from October 2011, payment of the car parks in NFC (via the timestamps) is still marginal. "It concerns thousands of people", advance a manager that evokes "growing awareness" yet, the service is convenient with billing by its operator or his Bank through an application.
Lack of involvement of operators?
As to payment at merchants, the path will still be long. If NFC payment cards begin to spread (19% of the Park in France), the payment from a smartphone has just begun to emerge through banking applications, especially on the side of Société Générale and the CIC.
In total, only 3% of payments to Strasbourg are done through the NFC as a trader in the three from the city is equipped with compatible players (5% nationally). Cannot therefore speak of real excitement.
The application of Société Générale
Simply approach the smartphone from the payment terminal to complete the transaction. For an amount less than EUR 20, no code is requested
What are the brakes? For Jean-Michel Gadrat, "there is a true need a pulse of public authorities, of a major campaign of national information and a greater involvement on the part of operators". They seem to expect from "see it coming" applications before pushing the uses. However, there are still a few years, these operators promised services packs all as useful than the other. It must be said that each actor has its own interests.
Knowledge of the NFC is indeed very patchy but "one thing is certain, once you begin to taste, uses are repeated," assured the president of the Forum.
The operators, yet in the first line, are also still very discreet on the matter. You can also raise the price of future services such as payment from a smartphone.
The application of Société Générale, which will be launched in Strasbourg next September will be thus charged 18 euros per year... A bit expensive for a simple extension of the blue card. But the Bank believes that it is "an additional card, even if it is virtual, which has enhanced security and services with added value as the customization of the code".
The Bank ensures that for taking off purposes, the first year will be free but the price may legitimately put off some. The CIC Credit Mutuel group which will also launch a similar application arises also the question of the best rate... Because the challenge is to create practice, not limited by the price.
We can finally talk about the absence of Apple of the NFC ecosystem while the iPhone is very widespread. But things could change with the release of the iPhone 5S or 6 which according to rumors will be finally compatible with the technology.
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