On the move in Asia, the boss and founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, made a hook by the giant of the smartphones, Samsung headquarters. The opportunity of an interview with the president of the Korean group, Shin Jong-Kyun.
According to Bloomberg, Shin Jong-Kyun reportedly told the press, at the end of this meeting, that Samsung and Facebook have discussed possible partnerships. Have been mentioned, the advertising on mobile but also and especially the possibility by Samsung to launch a smartphone Galaxy in the colours of the social network.
HTC First: only 20,000 units sold in the United States
A proposal which would have been gently but firmly declined by the boss of the giant. And understandably. All initiatives in this area, especially on the side of HTC with the ChaCha and more recently the First resulted in resounding flops. The latter was sold just 20,000 copies in the United States and its launch was regrowth sine die in Europe.
Why indeed take the risk of tarnishing its image with a concept that doesn't simply? The King of social networks pulling in fact too: If Facebook on smartphones is a carton as an application, the users do not want to even have a smartphone 100% oriented to the social network with the unpleasant feeling of being enclosed.
See - Smartphones: 5 trends that have failed miserably
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